Thursday, July 28, 2011

Handbook for the Sellout

“Do you remember where we all came from?
Do you remember what it's all about?
When you made a point to be objective,
before you started writing Handbook for the Sellout?”

These are the words to one of my favorite Five Iron Frenzy songs. It’s about selling our your Christian values just to be like everyone else. It is very close to my heart right now.
 The world says that Christians need to be “tolerant” and “accepting” and, my personal favorite, “non-juding”, of everyone because Jesus was. It’s true that Christians cannot judge the world according to God’s standards (because they aren’t Christians), but as far as other Christians go…it’s a different story. When Jesus confronted the woman at the well, who had multiple husbands, He didn’t say “you know what, you do have 5 husbands, which is sin, but that’s okay. I am just going to try to love, accept, tolerate and not-judge you out of your situation”. No, He was kind to her, told her about His Living Water, then called her out and told her to sin no more. What an example!
It’s hard to be a Christian sometimes. Take the narrow road and stop writing Handbook for the Sellout.

~Laurel May~

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Married Life

Married Life! As you may well know, I got married on June 11, 2011. Best. Day. EVER!
I will post wedding pictures as soon as possible. But for now, I will just post these:

Fourth of July Cinnamon Rolls!

 Delicious "homemade" bread from my breadmaker! (I don't count it as really, truly, "homemade" because I did not knead it and everything...the machine did! Hahaha.)

 Asparagus quiche.

Salad, fried okra, asparagus quiche and grey potatoes.

So I have been doing a lot of cooking lately, because now I am a housewife. Hahaha. I remember in my Public Speaking for Business class, there was a redneck man who did a presentation on someone he admires. (Everyone had this topic. Mine was my Mom. :-)) He chose his "housewife". This was his wife, but he constantly referred to her as his "housewife". Finally, at the end, one nice gentleman raised his hand and asked him why he kept referring to her as his "housewife" and the oakie redneck man, with a mustache, replied "'cause she's always at home. I always know where she's at!" It was...interesting and just a little, or a lot, chauvinistic!
Anyway, I love cooking and baking, so that's been awesome. My MIL (Mother-In-Law) gave my Hubby and I some tomato plants, and they are doing okay. Tomato plants in this area this year are hit and miss! I traded some apricots for tomato's from the Spiritmother. What? That's her name.

Being married is divine. Brad and I have discussions about life, the Bible, everyday things and our hopes and dreams. We move furniture around and discuss the best place for our turtle, Shelby, to go. We don't have a T.V., so we play board games and cards, and we read together. We exercise together and go for walks. It has been quite be so in love with a man and finally get to a point where you don't have to leave him anymore or watch him drive away. We get to be together all the time! (Except for when we have to go to work...lame.) Anyway, we are blessed. Our families help us abundantly to get settles, move us in, and give us food! Hahaha, thank you families!

We know there will be difficult times...troubling times that are hard to wrap our heads around. But we are falling more and more in love every day.

~Laurel May~